
API Reference


createText(text, x, y, font-size)


Parameter Type Description
text string the alphanumeric symbols to be displayed
[x] number x-coordinate of text
[y] number y-coordinate of text
[font-size] number px font-size of text

[ ] : optional arguments

let myText = createText('Cat and Dogs');


Method Description
object.position(x, y) sets position of text object
object.size(font-size) sets size of text object
object.fill(fillColor) sets fill of text object
object.play(“animation-type”, [startTime], [endTime]) play animation of specified type (startTime and endTime are in seconds)
object.add() adds object to scene without animation
object.remove() removes object from scene without animation


🔗example sketch

Code ```js function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); scene = new Scene(); reel(); } function draw() { background(150); } function reel() { let text1 = createText('Linear Transformation'); text1.position(30, 175); text1.fill('white'); text1.size(35); text1.play('fadeOut', 2); text1.play('fadeIn', 2, 3); text1.play('waveIn', 2, 6); } ```
Animations Description
write Writes the text with a blurry effect at each new character
fadeOut Make a fade-out effect
fadeIn Make a fade-in effect
waveIn Make a wave in effect: appears on the screen with a wave
waveOut Make a wave out effect: disappear from the screen with a wave
erase Make an eraser effect and make text disappear from the screen
dissolve Dissolves the text and make it disappear from the screen
spinOut Spins the text and make it disappear from the screen

createTeX(tex, x, y, font-size)


Parameter Type Description
tex string escaped TeX sequence
[x] number x-coordinate of tex
[y] number y-coordinate of tex
[font-size] number px font-size of text

[ ] : optional arguments

let tex = createTeX('\\overrightarrow{F}_{12} = k_e \\frac{q_1 q_2}{r^2}');


Method Description
object.position(x, y) sets position of tex object
object.size(width, height) sets width and height of tex object
object.fill(fillColor) sets fill of tex object
object.stroke(strokeColor) sets stroke color of tex
object.strokeWidth(strokeWidth) sets stroke-width of tex
object.play(“animation-type”, [startTime], [endTime]) play animation of specified type
object.add() adds object to scene without animation
object.remove() removes object from scene without animation
Animations Description
write Writes the TeX with a blurry effect at each new character
fadeOut Make a fade-out effect
fadeIn Make a fade-in effect
dissolve Dissolves the tex and make it disappear from the screen
appear make it appear from the screen character by character
blink blinking tex


🔗example sketch

Code ```js function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); background(220); scene = new Scene(); reel(); } function draw() { background(220); } async function reel() { let tex = createTeX( '\\oint H\\cdot dl = \\iint {\\color{blue}{(\\nabla \\times H)}} dS' ); tex.position(30, 50); tex.size(350); play(tex, 'all-at-once'); } ```

create2DGraph(equation, x, y, width, height)


Parameter Type Description
equation function function to be plotted
[x] number x-coordinate of graph
[y] number y-coordinate of graph
[width] number px width of SVG
[height] number px height of SVG

[ ] : optional arguments

let curve = create2DGraph((t) => 400 + 1500 * cos(2 * t));
Method Description
object.plot() plots the graph
object.position(x, y) sets position of graph object
object.size(width, height) sets width and height of graph object
object.stroke(strokeColor) sets stroke color of graph object
object.play() play animation of creation
object1.transform(object2) transforms object1 into object2


🔗example sketch

Code ```js function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); background(220); scene = new Scene(); reel(); } function draw() { background(220); } function reel() { let graph1 = create2DGraph( (t) => 800 * cos(2 * t) + 1000 * sin(4 * t) + 800 * sin(6 * t) ); graph1.plot(); graph1.position(10, 200); graph1.play(); let graph2 = create2DGraph((t) => 800 * cos(2 * t)); graph2.plot(); graph2.position(10, 0); graph2.play(); let graph3 = create2DGraph((t) => 1000 * sin(4 * t)); graph3.plot(); graph3.position(10, 50); graph3.play(); let graph4 = create2DGraph((t) => 800 * sin(6 * t)); graph4.plot(); graph4.position(10, 100); graph4.play(); } ```

create2DPolarGraph(equation, theta-range, x, y, width, height)


Parameter Type Description
equation function function to be plotted
theta-range number array range of theta
[x] number x-coordinate of graph
[y] number y-coordinate of graph
[width] number px width of SVG
[height] number px height of SVG

[ ] : optional arguments

let curve = create2DPolarGraph(
  (t) =>
    15 *
    (pow(Math.E, cos(t)) -
      2 * cos(4 * t) -
      pow(sin(t / 12), 5)),
  [0, 12 * PI]
Method Description
object.plot() plots the graph
object.position(x, y) sets position of graph object
object.size(width, height) sets width and height of graph object
object.stroke(strokeColor) sets stroke color of graph object
object.play() play animation of creation
object1.transform(object2) transforms object1 into object2


🔗example sketch

Code ```js function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); background(220); scene = new Scene(); reel(); } function draw() { background(220); } function reel() { let graph = create2DPolarGraph( (t) => 15 * (pow(Math.E, cos(t)) - 2 * cos(4 * t) - pow(sin(t / 12), 5)), [0, 12 * PI] ); graph.plot(); graph.size(400, 400); graph.position(50, 50); graph.play(); } ```

create2DParametricGraph(x, y, [range])


Parameter Type Description
x expression function x expression
y expression function y expression
[range] number array range of parameter

[ ] : optional arguments

let curve = create2DParametricGraph(
  (t) => 40 * sin(4 * t + QUARTER_PI),
  (t) => 40 * cos(5 * t)
Method Description
object.plot() plots the graph
object.position(x, y) sets position of graph object
object.size(width, height) sets width and height of graph object
object.stroke(strokeColor) sets stroke color of graph object
object.play() play animation of creation
object1.transform(object2) transforms object1 into object2


🔗example sketch

Code ```js let button; let A = 40; let B = 40; let a = 3; let b = 2; let d = Math.PI / 4; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); background(0); scene = new Scene(); createControls(); reel(); } function reel() { let curve1 = create2DParametricGraph( (t) => A * sin(a * t + d), (t) => B * cos(b * t) ); curve1.plot(); curve1.stroke('blue'); curve1.position(50, 50); a = 5; b = 4; d = PI / 8; let curve2 = create2DParametricGraph( (t) => A * sin(a * t + d), (t) => B * cos(b * t) ); curve2.stroke('blue'); // curve2.plot(); curve2.size(400, 400); curve2.position(50, 150); curve1.transform(curve2, 0, 10); } ```



Parameter Type Description

[ ] : optional arguments

Method Description


🔗example sketch

Code ```js let t = 0; let i = 0; let MAGENTA50 = '#dc267f'; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); scene = new Scene(); createControls(); reel(); } function draw() { background(220); t = clock(); // sets t = time of animation timeline if (t < 1000) i = t; fill(255, 0, 0); rect(30 + 0.25 * i, 20, 75, 10); } function reel() { let title = createText('Lorentz Transformation', 30, 75, 35); title.fill('red'); title.play('growFromCenter', 1, 4); let equation = createTeX( '\\gamma = \\dfrac{1}{\\sqrt{1 - \\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}' ); equation.position(45, 175); equation.size(50); equation.stroke(MAGENTA50); equation.strokeWidth(20); equation.fill(MAGENTA50); equation.play('createFill', 1, 6); } ```


Description A class to describe a Scene. A scene contains all of the objects (such as MObjects and GObjects) created by p5.teach. All the objects exist inside a div element of the sceneContainer class.


Parameter Type Description

[ ] : optional arguments

scene = new Scene();
Method Description
remove() removes sceneContainer
delay(timeDuration) provide async delay of timeDuration milliseconds


🔗example sketch

Code ```js function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); scene = new Scene(); } ```


Description clock() returns the current time of the p5.teach animation timeline(anime.js). It is used to synchronise p5.js elements with p5.teach animation timeline.


Parameter Type Description

[ ] : optional arguments

Method Description


🔗example sketch

Code ```js let t = 0; let i = 0; let MAGENTA50 = '#dc267f'; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); scene = new Scene(); createControls(); reel(); } function draw() { background(220); t = clock(); // sets t = time of animation timeline if (t < 1000) i = t; fill(255, 0, 0); rect(30 + 0.25 * i, 20, 75, 10); } function reel() { let title = createText('Lorentz Transformation', 30, 75, 35); title.fill('red'); title.play('growFromCenter', 1, 4); let equation = createTeX( '\\gamma = \\dfrac{1}{\\sqrt{1 - \\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}' ); equation.position(45, 175); equation.size(50); equation.stroke(MAGENTA50); equation.strokeWidth(20); equation.fill(MAGENTA50); equation.play('createFill', 1, 6); } ```


Description addDuration(timeDuration) adds timeDuration to the animation timeline.


Parameter Type Description

[ ] : optional arguments

Method Description


🔗example sketch

Code ```js let t = 0; let i = 0; let MAGENTA50 = '#dc267f'; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); scene = new Scene(); createControls(); reel(); } function draw() { background(220); t = clock(); // sets t = time of animation timeline if (t < 1000) i = t; fill(255, 0, 0); rect(30 + 0.25 \* i, 20, 75, 10); } function reel() { let title = createText('Lorentz Transformation', 30, 75, 35); title.fill('red'); title.play('growFromCenter', 1, 4); let equation = createTeX( '\\gamma = \\dfrac{1}{\\sqrt{1 - \\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}' ); equation.position(45, 175); equation.size(50); equation.stroke(MAGENTA50); equation.strokeWidth(20); equation.fill(MAGENTA50); equation.play('createFill', 1, 6); } ```



Parameter Type Description

[ ] : optional arguments

Method Description


🔗example sketch

Code ```js let t = 0; let i = 0; let MAGENTA50 = '#dc267f'; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); scene = new Scene(); createControls(); reel(); } function draw() { background(220); t = clock(); // sets t = time of animation timeline if (t < 1000) i = t; fill(255, 0, 0); rect(30 + 0.25 \* i, 20, 75, 10); } function reel() { let title = createText('Lorentz Transformation', 30, 75, 35); title.fill('red'); title.play('growFromCenter', 1, 4); let equation = createTeX( '\\gamma = \\dfrac{1}{\\sqrt{1 - \\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}' ); equation.position(45, 175); equation.size(50); equation.stroke(MAGENTA50); equation.strokeWidth(20); equation.fill(MAGENTA50); equation.play('createFill', 1, 6); } ```



Parameter Type Description

[ ] : optional arguments

Method Description


🔗example sketch

Code ```js let t = 0; let i = 0; let MAGENTA50 = '#dc267f'; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); scene = new Scene(); createControls(); reel(); } function draw() { background(220); t = clock(); // sets t = time of animation timeline if (t < 1000) i = t; fill(255, 0, 0); rect(30 + 0.25 \* i, 20, 75, 10); } function reel() { let title = createText('Lorentz Transformation', 30, 75, 35); title.fill('red'); title.play('growFromCenter', 1, 4); let equation = createTeX( '\\gamma = \\dfrac{1}{\\sqrt{1 - \\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}' ); equation.position(45, 175); equation.size(50); equation.stroke(MAGENTA50); equation.strokeWidth(20); equation.fill(MAGENTA50); equation.play('createFill', 1, 6); } ```



Parameter Type Description

[ ] : optional arguments

Method Description


🔗example sketch

Code ```js let t = 0; let i = 0; let MAGENTA50 = '#dc267f'; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); scene = new Scene(); createControls(); reel(); } function draw() { background(220); t = clock(); //sets t = time of animation timeline if (t < 1000) i = t; fill(255, 0, 0); rect(30 + 0.25 \* i, 20, 75, 10); } function reel() { let title = createText('Lorentz Transformation', 30, 75, 35); title.fill('red'); title.play('growFromCenter', 1, 4); let equation = createTeX( '\\gamma = \\dfrac{1}{\\sqrt{1 - \\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}' ); equation.position(45, 175); equation.size(50); equation.stroke(MAGENTA50); equation.strokeWidth(20); equation.fill(MAGENTA50); equation.play('createFill', 1, 6); } ```

transform(object1, object2)


Parameter Type Description

[ ] : optional arguments

transform(object1, object2);
Method Description


🔗example sketch

Code ```js let t = 0; let i = 0; let MAGENTA50 = '#dc267f'; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); scene = new Scene(); createControls(); reel(); } function draw() { background(220); t = clock(); //sets t = time of animation timeline if (t < 1000) i = t; fill(255, 0, 0); rect(30 + 0.25 \* i, 20, 75, 10); } function reel() { let title = createText('Lorentz Transformation', 30, 75, 35); title.fill('red'); title.play('growFromCenter', 1, 4); let equation = createTeX( '\\gamma = \\dfrac{1}{\\sqrt{1 - \\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}' ); equation.position(45, 175); equation.size(50); equation.stroke(MAGENTA50); equation.strokeWidth(20); equation.fill(MAGENTA50); equation.play('createFill', 1, 6); } ```



Parameter Type Description

[ ] : optional arguments

Method Description


🔗example sketch

Code ```js let t = 0; let i = 0; let MAGENTA50 = '#dc267f'; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); scene = new Scene(); createControls(); reel(); } function draw() { background(220); t = clock(); //sets t = time of animation timeline if (t < 1000) i = t; fill(255, 0, 0); rect(30 + 0.25 \* i, 20, 75, 10); } function reel() { let title = createText('Lorentz Transformation', 30, 75, 35); title.fill('red'); title.play('growFromCenter', 1, 4); let equation = createTeX( '\\gamma = \\dfrac{1}{\\sqrt{1 - \\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}' ); equation.position(45, 175); equation.size(50); equation.stroke(MAGENTA50); equation.strokeWidth(20); equation.fill(MAGENTA50); equation.play('createFill', 1, 6); } ```